Sunday, September 7, 2014

Desert walking

I have been clear about my intention of getting out of the desert...I want out!!  The Desert has represented a lot of loss for me.  I lost my husband here and my Dad.  I have spent the last 10 years struggling, trying to find my way. I have wandered away from God during those years at times...thinking I could find my own way.  I didn't!  I found more heartache and pain!  My journey through the desert has been a lot like the journey of the Israelites through the wilderness.  I remember a time when I used to read their story and was a little judgmental...I would think, "you stupid people! Look at what God has done for you!  How can you chose to walk away?!!"  Now I have a much different understanding!  Now what draws my attention is God's response to His people.  Does He get frustrated with His people?  YES!  Are there consequences for bad choices? YES!  But above ALL else God is gracious and compassionate and waits with arms wide open for His people to return to Him.  Time and time again the Israelites chose to go their own way, and EVERY time God loving takes them back.  Guess what? He has done the same for me and does the same for you!  It is satan who wants us to think we need to stay away, that God will never forgive us this time, that we can't darken the door of a church.  Don't believe satan's lies!  Read for yourself God's response to His wandering people...
 "...I have made you, you are my servant; Israel, I will not forget you. I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist.  Return to me, for I have redeemed you."  Isaiah 44:21-22
"They will REBUILD the ancient ruins and RESTORE the places long devastated; they will RENEW the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations." Isaiah 61: 4
The people had suffered the consequences of THEIR choices and what was God response to them?  To remember His promises, be faithful to HIS character and offer to rebuild, restore, and renew them and remind them how extravagantly He loves them!
"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.  I will build you up again, and you Israel, will be rebuilt."  Jeremiah 31: 3-4
Think this only applies to the people of Israel?  No way!  Jesus himself gives the example of the Father's response to the Prodigal son in Luke 15: 11-32.  Jesus welcomes back!  His arms are waiting, wide open!
Don't let pride or satan's lies keep you away from a LOVING waiting Savior!

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